The Floor is Your Friend

For clients of CFB, there are a number of key takeaways which serve as both reminders and measurements of progress. The one takeaway which resonates most with my clients is what I call the 'connection to the floor'.

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Rachel Cossar
The Truth Behind Eye Contact

You've all heard it - the eyes are windows to the soul. You've probably also heard 'eye contact' being thrown around as a tip for public speaking and engaging with people....well, that advice is only part of the story. 

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Rachel Cossar
The Power of Posture

When it comes to body language, and first impressions in particular, I have found that posture is an obvious and powerful message transmitter. Picture this: an individual walks into a room with 'good posture', aka standing up tall, their head aligned with their necks, shoulders open and feet pointing in the same direction as their hips and knees. The snap perception is one of confidence, control and self-assurance.

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